Certain body types can be rendered unconscious after hanging in a harness for as little as 15 minutes. Death has been known to occur in 30 minutes.
When the alternative is falling to the ground, proper fall protection and rescue training is paramount.
Ronin instructors do not just teach fall protection training, they work on sites where fall protection and rescue are required. Our staff has performed work at heights up to 1200’ suspended, hung in harness for over 8 hours and used a multitude of equipment.
Students can learn from our real world experiences through theory and skill based training. Our instructors continually take updates and specialized fall protection training in order to provide students with relevant and regulatory compliant training.
Fall Protection Training
Fall Protection EOCP-0.7 CEU’s
Course Duration: Instructed in English – 1 day;
Instructed in translation – 2 days
Course Format: Classroom and practical exercises
Certification: Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion
Pre-requisites: Nil
This course is intended for any person that will be required to work at a height where fall protection
is necessary as per the definition provided in local work safe regulations. Students will be presented
a combination of theoretical training and practical training with current, approved fall protection
equipment. The training includes definitions, hierarchy of fall protection, calculating freefall distance
and fall clearance, identification and inspection of required equipment, harness fitting, fall protection
plans, and practical and written exercises followed by written confirmation of skills.
At the end of this highly interactive training, participants will be able to:
Define a fall protection system, fall arrest, and fall/travel restraint
When falls protection is required
Understand the fall protection hierarchy
Understand guardrails and their limitations and uses
Understand the difference between travel restraint and fall restraint
Understand fall arrest
Understand control zones and safety monitors
Understand ladder safety
Utilize fall protection equipment
Care for, clean and inspect fall protection equipment
Understand anchors and their uses
Perform fall protection system required calculations
Understand fall protection plans and when they are required
Understand the requirement for rescue and appropriate options
Identify fall protection concerns and propose solutions to real life situations
Fall Protection for Supervisors
Course Duration: Instructed in English – 1/2 day;
Instructed in translation – 1 day
Course Format: Classroom and practical exercises
Certification: Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion
Pre-requisites: Fall protection/restraint
This course is intended for any person that has completed basic fall protection training and will be
required to supervise work where there is a risk of falls. Students will be presented a combination of
theoretical and practical training utilizing examples that may be found in the work place. This will
include the components of a fall protection program, when a fall protection plan is required and how
to complete one, effectively planning for rescue, and what’s important in regards to investigating a
fall after it occurs.
At the end of this highly interactive training, participants will be able to:
Explain the governing bodies having jurisdiction regarding fall protection
Explain the requirements of the local fall protection regulations
Understand relevant standards governing fall protection equipment
Identify the key components of a fall protection program
Explain the other regulations, guidelines, and special conditions regarding fall protection as
identified by applicable regulationsComplete a fall protection plan
Make an effective plan for rescue after a fall has occurred
Facilitate an effective Tool Box meeting regarding a job site/task, which have the risk of a fall
Identify when fall protection is required
Investigate why a fall occurred
Controlled Descent / Bosun Chair Training
Course Duration: Instructed in English – 1 day;
Instructed in translation – 2 days
Course Format: Classroom and practical exercises
Certification: Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion
Pre-requisites: Fall protection/restraint
This course is intended for individuals working at heights and using ropes and controlled descent
devices to perform this work. This program teaches workers a safe, approved method of rigging
ropes to anchors, knots, self rescue and using controlled descent and safety devices to lower
themselves. The course consists of both a hands on and practical scenarios at height.
At the end of this highly interactive training, participants will be able to:
Identify, inspect and use ropes and knots
Identify, inspect and use appropriate descending devices
Identify and use appropriate anchors
Perform Self-Rescue
Ontario MOL Approved Work at Heights Training
As of April 1, 2017 workers who previously met the training requirements set out in subsection 26.2(1) of the Construction Projects Regulation (213/91) will be required to complete the new approved Working at Heights Training.
The program is an 8 hour theory and practical combination course. This training is valid for 3 years and must be taken through a certified provider.
Ronin Rescue has partnered with LaborTek (certified provider) to provide this training in the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario.
Should you be situated in the Ottawa area please contact LaborTek directly at 613.741.1128.
Gas Detection and Toxicology Course
Course Duration: Instructed in English – 1/2 day;
Instructed in translation – 1 day
Course Format: Classroom and practical exercises
Certification: Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion
Pre-requisites: Nil
This program is a must for personnel who use gas monitoring equipment in their workplace.
This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to employ gas detection units
effectively and safely. This program also covers basic toxicology to provide participants with a
more complete understanding of gas monitoring.
At the end of this highly interactive training, participants will be able to:
Understand basic monitoring concepts
Understand health data terminology
Utilize different types of testing equipment
Understand important metering concepts
Understand the main detected gases
Fresh air zero a monitor
Bump a monitor
Calibrate a monitor